Meet Us

Sister Tanya Larson

About Me

I'm a mom, I have 4 children, and 6 grandkids that bring me great joy!  

Why I am a Mormon

I'm a Mormon because I know it's true. I first heard about the Mormon church when I was in high school. It felt right. This church has blessed my life in so many ways. It has helped me in my marriage. It has helped me raise my kids. I've learned skills that have helped me and enabled me to help others. I feel so strongly that this is the Gospel of Jesus Christ that I am going out to share this truth with others.

Personal Stories

Why do Mormons go on missions?

I feel like I have been given so much from my Father in Heaven that it feels right to try and give back to Him in some small way. It is such a small sacrifice compared to the blessings that I have received throughout my life and especially since I have become a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

How I live my faith

I have worked in many areas of the church. I have taught the children, the young adults and the women of the church in classes. I have had the opportunity to work with single adult members from 18 to 80+. It has been so much fun. I have volunteered at the local women's shelter, the PTA, and a fund raising activity for the local Down Syndrome organization. My husband and I have volunteered to set aside 18 months from our lives to serve a full time Mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and have just been called to the Washington D.C. area. We are both so excited for this opportunity.

Elder Larson 

About Me

I have four children, 2 boys and 2 girls. I've enjoyed coaching many youth sports teams over the years and now I'm enjoying watching my grandkids play while someone else coaches. I worked for the Juvenile Court System for most of my career. Most of those years were spent helping delinquent boys. I still go to the gym four or five days a week although my team sports days are over.

Why I am a Mormon

I was baptized as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints at the age of 39. I looked into and investigated the church for several years. As I observed and associated with members of the Mormon church I grew to appreciate how they lived their lives and how they were, generally, happy. My brother and I were raised by good parents who taught basic principals necessary to be a good person but no religion. Many of the Mormon teachings rang true to me. The parts that were more challenging to accept ceased to be an issue after I learned about prayer and faith. The emphasis on finding out for myself was especially appreciated. Through reading, studying, interaction with church members, and watching the positive effect involvement with the church was having on my wife and children, I was convinced it was the right decision for me to be baptized.

How I live my faith

I have accepted numerous opportunities to serve within my church. I have worked with the young men through scouting, by teaching lessons on Sunday, and coaching sports teams. I served as a Bishop for a congregation of 500 for five years spending approximately 20 to 30 hours per week overseeing all of the organizations, coordinating Sunday service and counseling with church members. My favorite assignment was teaching the eight year olds in the children's organization of our church.